Scenario: (17%)

You have received $5,000 to build a new computer system. Your blog entries should list the hardware components you are planning on buying, sizes (where appropriate), their cost and purpose. Also include a description of some various computer hardware and software functions.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

(g) Description of the different PC and Macintosh Operating Systems

the difference is in essential that as I mentioned before the OS is the one that manage the distribution of memory for the applications and the hardware depending of how its distributed could happen that some application may run faster and more efficiently in a specifically OS as well as each OS has his own way to manage the files (type of formats) the manage of them can be more secure and reliable in the process, not only for the users as well for the developments, as PC are more popular its said that his architecture with the most popular OS (windows) its easy for the developers but with the cost of security but the versatility its huge in comparison with the Mac OS, on the other hand its possible to emulate the OS mac on the PC with the Linux OS that has the same architecture of the Mac OS.

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